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Twelve Collaborations
January 10, 2025 to March 1, 2025
Gary Evans & Timothy Laurin’s Collaboration, 2024. Enamel. Collection of the artist.
In early 2024, Timothy Laurin made the decision to embark on a series of collaborative works with makers from a variety of disciplines. The sole parameter for the project was that each resulting object would incorporate some form of enamel process. After identifying the collaborators, Laurin initiated each partnership by asking for a starting point, whether it be a drawing, a previous piece of work, a writing, or even just a simple concept.
Each project evolved uniquely, shaped by the individual creative process of the collaborator. The development of the works involved studio visits, conversations, and numerous exchanges of emails, all contributing to the evolution of the pieces. Throughout this endeavor, Laurin was compelled to explore new techniques and push his own aesthetic boundaries. His comfort zone was often stretched, which became an unexpected benefit of the experience.
Laurin is excited to present the twelve collaborative works and extends his gratitude to the talented makers who participated in this creative journey.
In the Studio
Have you ever looked at a work of art and wondered how it was created? How can glass be blown into wonderful vessels? How can you build a strong, sturdy ceramic teapot when the raw clay is so soft? How does enamelling transform metal into decorated works of vibrant colours?
With this permanent exhibition, we invite you to discover and uncover some of the mysteries around the work of clay, glass, and vitreous enamelling. Grab a brochure to identify the tools and materials. Learn about techniques and tricks of the trade that artists use in their studios. Then, see the products of these techniques in the artworks on display, each pulled from the Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery’s Permanent Collection. From time to time, we will change them so that you, too, can discover the treasures we have and care for.
Take a step into the studio and explore each of these tools, techniques, and artworks.
Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé comment on crée une oeuvre de métiers d’art? Comment le verre peut être soufflé pour devenir un magnifique vase? Comment l’argile mou peut se muer en une résistante théière en céramique? Comment l’émail peut changer une simple pièce de métal en une explosion de couleurs vibrantes?
Cette exposition permanente vous invite à explorer et découvrir les mystères du travail de l’argile, du verre et de l’émaillage. Saisissez une brochure qui vous aidera à identifier les outils et les matériaux. Familiarisez-vous avec les techniques et les trucs du métier que les artisans utilisent dans leurs ateliers. Puis voyez des exemples de produits finis tirés de notre propre collection permanente. Nous renouvellerons périodiquement ces oeuvres afin que vous aussi puissiez apprécier les trésors que nous conservons précieusement ici.
Entrez dans l’atelier, et penchez-vous à loisir sur chaque outil, chaque technique et chaque oeuvre.